Transformation of Life for the Gender Based Violence Affected Girls Project
RDRS Bangladesh is implementing Transformation of Life for the Gender Based Violence Affected Girls (TLGBVAG) project in Rangpur district including Rangpur City Corporation. The project is being implemented with the support of Cordaid and Kerk in Actie. The primary programme participants of the project are the women and girls affected by gender-based violence and at risk, and members of the adolescent centres. The secondary programme participants are marriage registrar, Union Federation (CBO), Union Parishad, youth forum, Child Marriage Prevention Committee (CMPC) members, officials of the relevant departments of government/non-government organisations, and community people. The project covers 47,260 programme participants. The TLGBVAG project is designed in line with SDG – 1, 5 and 16 (No Poverty, Gender Equality; and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).
The goal of the project is contributing to improve the socio-economic condition of the violence-affected youths, especially women and girls in Rangpur district. The objects are
1. Enhanced living condition, better life experience and security of life for the GBV affected women & girls.
2. Reduced incidence of GBV and child marriage at household and community level.
The major activities under the project are skills development training; providing business start-up support to the trained survivors; job placement and job market linkage; organizing ToT on life skill and psychosocial counselling for all project staff and the survivors; orientation for adolescent /youth forum members on life skill, child marriage, GBV and safeguarding; orientation for CBO/Union Federation and community leaders on positive gender norms, preventing child marriage and reducing GBV; develop IEC/BCC materials on GBV and Child Rights etc.