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Transboundary Flood Resilience Project in South Asia

Since February 2023 RDRS Bangladesh is implementing a 3-years “Transboundary Flood Resilience Project in South Asia” under its core development program with long term support from Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) with a goal to Increase the resilience of communities through multi stakeholder actions in Brahmaputra and GGP river tributaries in Nepal, India and Bangladesh. Priority areas of the project are strengthening early warning system, disaster resilience and climate justice. The project is implementing in 3 countries- Bangladesh, Nepal and India. In Bangladesh the project in Bangladesh is implementing at Kurigram Sadar, Chilmari, Ulipur and Nageshwari and Rowmari upazilas (sub-districts) of Kurigram district. The second year of the project is set to conclude in January 2025.

The project aims to reach the communities at upstream, midstream, and downstream of the Brahmaputra basin in Bangladesh. Till the reporting period the project reached 28,560 direct program participants of which 51% represented by female and 49% male. Among them 13% are children, 50% youth, and 37% adults in context of age distribution. The project focused on developing the social and economic resilience of the marginalized population which is a leading factor to enhance disaster risk reduction while working with DDM, Disaster Management Committees, BWDB, FFWC, BMD and other members.