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  • Socio-Economic Empowerment with Dignity and Sustainability (SEEDS): Enhancing Livelihoods and Rights

Socio-Economic Empowerment with Dignity and Sustainability (SEEDS): Enhancing Livelihoods and Rights

The project is being implemented by RDRS Bangladesh in partnership with Stromme Foundation, focused on improving the socio-economic conditions of 3,000 marginalized families in Rangpur district.

Targeting ethnic minority communities, the project aimed to address severe exploitation, food insecurity, gender discrimination, and lack of access to education and basic rights. SEEDS implemented key interventions such as Early Childhood Development (ECD) centers, Child Clubs, and Shonglap centers for adolescent girls, which collectively enhanced education access, empowered youth, and promoted sustainable livelihoods.

The project provided vocational training to unemployed youth, leading to significant employment and income generation. Overall, SEEDS successfully fostered community capacity and resilience, creating a lasting impact on the lives of the targeted families.