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Realizing Gender Equality, Attitudinal Change & Transformative Systems in Nutrition (REACTS-IN) Project

RDRS Bangladesh has been implementing the “Realizing Gender Equality, Attitudinal Change & Transformative Systems in Nutrition (REACTS-IN)” project in four upazilas of Thakurgaon district, since December 2023. Funded by IFPRI-HarvestPlus, the project aims to improve zinc nutrition through the adoption of biofortified zinc rice. RDRS Bangladesh collaborates with government agencies and private sectors to enhance nutrition, nutrition-related rights, and gender equality for the poorest and most marginalized, especially women, adolescent girls, and children under 5. Although this is a six-year project, the first phase will conclude in September 2024.

With the support of the Union Federation and in coordination with the DAE, beneficiaries have been selected for this project. The major activities include training for extension personnel, agro dealers, seed dealers, and retailers. The project also focuses on Early Generation Seed (EGS) production and establishing demonstrations. Volunteers and community extension facilitators (CEF) receive training, as do farmer leaders. Additionally, the project includes school sensitization programs, field days, advocacy meetings, and value chain actors' meetings. Development and distribution of SBCC materials and SMS messaging are also key components. These activities aim to enhance the skills and knowledge of all participants involved.