Promoting Peace and Justice (PPJ)
RDRS Bangladesh is implementing Promoting Peace and Justice (PPJ) project Nilphamari, Lalmonirhat, and Panchagarh districts. The project is being implemented in partnership with Democracy International, funded by USAID. The direct programme participants of the project are the community people including persons with disability who are survivors of trafficking, child marriage and gender-based violence. The project also covers other stakeholders such as Legal Aid Committee Members, Panel Lawyers, Judicial Officers, Court Staff, Local Government Representatives, and students. The PPJ project is designed in line with SDG – 5 and 16 (Gender Equality; and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).
The goal of the PPJ project is to activate and support Legal Aid Committees at district, Upazilla and Union Parishad levels and increase the visibility, public awareness and community acceptance of government legal aid services and use of the formal justice system to resolve disputes and protect legal rights. The objectives of the project are:
- To increase the level of activation and coordination of the District, Upazilla and Union Parishad Legal Aid Committee;
- To increase awareness on legal rights and responsibilities of mass people and acceptance of the use of formal justice system among communities.
The main activities of the PPJ project are formation of Upazila and Union Parishad Legal Aid Committee; public awareness raising; campaign; National Legal Aid Day observation etc.