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Nutrition in City Ecosystems (NICE)

RDRS Bangladesh is implementing Nutrition in City Ecosystem (NICE) project in Rangpur City Corporation, Rangpur Sadar, Mithapukur and Pirgacha upazilas of Rangpur district since 2021. The project is being implemented in consortium with Swiss Tropical and Public Health institute (Swiss TPH), The Sustainable Agro Ecosystem Group at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Sight and Life (SAL), and  SFSA. The NICE project is funded by Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture (SFSA) Bangladesh. The target community of the project is city dwellers in Rangpur City corporation among which 40% of women and 30% of youth will be benefited from these project activities as well as those who are living in urban and peri-urban areas of Rangpur district. The Nutrition in City Ecosystem (NICE) project is designed in line with SDG -1 and 2 (No Poverty, and Zero Hunger).  

Bangladesh is committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. Its aim is to achieve zero hunger, achieve food security and ensure better nutrition. The NICE project is to improve nutrition and health and to reduce poverty by increasing the demand and supply of local, diverse, agro-ecological foods. RDRS Bangladesh is implementing the project with an aim to ensure a strong focus on women, youth, and vulnerable population groups in three upazilas of Rangpur district.  

The goal of the project is to improve the health and nutrition of city population with a particular focus on women, youth, and vulnerable groups in three upazilas of Rangpur district including Rangpur City Corporation. The objectives of the project are:  

  1. To involve women and youth in urban governance structures that incentivize food systems for improved nutrition; 
  2. To enhance the availability and production of affordable, healthy, diverse, agro-ecologically produced local foods; 
  3. To increase knowledge and demand for the consumption of nutritious and agro -ecologically produced foods of city dwellers; 
  4. To ensure horizontal and vertical exchange through city-knowledge hubs, thereby shaping urban-rural food environments, and informing national and global policies. 

The main activities of the project are strengthening City Corporation-led City Level Multi-Sectoral Coordination Committee (CLMCC) with the involvement of different stakeholders related to nutrition and urban food systems such as agriculture, livestock, and fisheries; establishing value chain and safe food production through Farmers Hubs;  Providing technical training to farmers and farmers’ hub entrepreneurs on agro-ecologically safe, nutritious food production and storage, management and marketing; and formation of School Nutrition Gardening & Nutrition Club.