Food and Nutrition Security
Bangladesh has ranked 10th in the world for the production of 12 agricultural products. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that Bangladesh has shown progressive improvement in dietary energy intake over the past 20 years. Bangladesh has attained food self-sufficiency in terms of food production but still needs to take an effective initiative for ensuring food security for all. Therefore, RDRS Bangladesh along with the government is working to contribute to ensuring food and nutrition particularly for poor people. RDRS played a great role for the improvement of food and nutrition security by implementing a number of programs in its working area.
In 2019, a total of 1,145 demonstration plots have been established among 850 marginal and small farmers for dissemination of new agricultural technologies. In this connection, the University of Western Australia, University of Rajshahi and RDRS Bangladesh are jointly implementing a research project to assess the farmer’s decision making process for the adoption of agricultural technologies. Besides, farm mechanization initiatives are in progress with the involvement of Krishi Kendra under the Union Federation to increase interest of young towards agriculture and also reduce agricultural production cost. At present, a total of 37 agricultural machineries are available in 15 Krishi Kendra where farmers are getting opportunities to use them at a cheaper rate.