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Fight Slavery and Trafficking in Persons (FSTIP)

RDRS Bangladesh is implementing Fight Slavery and Trafficking in Persons (FSTIP) project in Rangpur, Lalmonirhat, Gaibandha, Joypurhat and Sirajganj districts for the period of 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2026. The project is being implemented in partnership with Winrock International, funded by USAID. The direct programme participants of the project are the poor women and men of northern Bangladesh with special focus with special focus on expectant migrants, young people, at-risk trafficking and CM survivors, single mother, ethnic minorities, and trafficked survivors. The indirect programme participants are the religious leaders, federation leaders, Union Parishad, youth forum, officials of the relevant departments of government/non-government and recruiting agencies who will support the interventions in all aspects of the project. The FSTIP project is designed in line with SDG – 1, 5 and 16 (No Poverty; Gender Equality; and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).  

The five districts under this project (Lalmonirhat, Ragpur, Gaibandha, Joypurhat and Sirajganj) are the border area and underdeveloped. Because of this, these areas are at high-risk for human trafficking. A large number of people especially women and young people are being trafficked through this route every year. Poor economic conditions, unemployment, lack of awareness, child marriage, and dowry are some main reasons that make especially women and girls vulnerable to trafficking. This project is being implemented to be one of the best options to prevent trafficking in these areas.     

The goal of the project is to reduce slavery and trafficking through prevention, protection and establishing access to referral services. The objectives of the project are: 

  1. Systems, capacity, and sustainability of justice actors and institutions enhanced; 
  2. Human rights violations are prevented, and public awareness of trafficking and its dangers is enhanced; 
  3. Protection of trafficking survivors increased. 


The main activities of the project are to activate and strengthen CTCs, CMPCs and GBV committees; expand and train peer leader networks on TIP, CM, safe migration, and modern technology; identify and support to TIP & CM at-risk by trained peer leaders; TIP & CM message will broadcast through community radios & other media; create safe space where adolescent girls can discuss sensitive issues and solution can be proposed to address CM; organise day observance events related to human trafficking at the local level; training to marriage registrars on Child Marriage Restraint Act 2017;  identify and support returnee migrants due to Covid-19 pandemic; raising awareness on Covid-19, TIP, CM & Safe migration among the community people; TIP & CM survivors received referral & direct protection assistant (eg. counseling support, vocational training, livelihood reintegration support); workshop for develop and revitalized 5 referral directories; provide protection assistance to the survivors of CM through referral; support FSTIP to secure additional funding and in-kind support contribution to survivors with service and shelter home; support the processing of a maximum of 200 complains at BMET from TIP survivors.  

The key highlights of the project are survivor-centric protection assistance to TIP and CM survivors; activation and functioning of community-based TIP and CM prevention, and mass awareness.