Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Management
For reducing the disaster risk and climate vulnerabilities, 40 Village Disaster Management Committee (VDMC) was reformed and 36 Ward Disaster Management Committee (WDMC) was newly formed. These committees have prepared a DRM (disaster risk management) plan through risk and resource mapping and now they are working with the Union and Upazila Disaster Management Committee for the implementation of the DRM plan. Awareness creation activities are going on to reduce the disaster risk and vulnerability of char people using Radio Chilmari (RDRS’ Community Radio). RDRS Bangladesh has been implementing ‘Trans-boundary Flood Resilience in South Asia’ Project in Kochakata and Narayanpur Union of Nageshwari Upazilla of Kurigram district to increase flood resilience of local communities by exchanging trans-boundary (India, Nepal and Bangladesh) experiences and best practices since 2019.