Socio Economic Empowerment with Dignity and Sustainability (SEEDS)
Under the SEEDS project, 19 pre-primary schools are being operated for the age group of 5+ children. After completing their education in the pre-primary schools, 381 children have been admitted in the mainstream primary schools.
The quality of education and learning environment has been improved in 83% government primary schools if the project area. 38 dropout children have been re-admitted to primary school by preparing and improving their skills to continue their studies through bridge schools.
83% of adolescent girls are aware of life skills and social security. In their daily life, 61% of Shonglap girls are discussing Shonglap issues. The Shonglap forum has been formed with the initiative of Shonglap graduates. 77% of adolescent girls are contributing to positive changes in the society. They are participating in various family and social decision-making processes. 103 adolescents have been trained up on different trades and engaged in income generating activities. 140 SRG members are involved in beef fattening activities after receiving training and increased their family income significantly.