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  • Ending Child Marriage through Empowerment of Adolescents (ECMEA)
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Ending Child Marriage through Empowerment of Adolescents (ECMEA)

The ECMEA project is being implemented under the innovative ways of the Honourable Prime Minister’s Governance Innovation Unit to ensure the empowerment and development of women. RDRS is implementing this project in Nilphamari district. Under this project, 15,750 adolescents aged 10-19 years (60% girls) participated in knowledge and skill development events on social protection; sanitation facilities were provided in schools; 21,250 social and religious leaders and government officials were engaged in different activities through the project. 87 Community Based Child Protection Committees, 29 Women and Child Welfare UP Standing Committees, 29 UPs and their elected representatives; upazila and district level Child Welfare Board and concerned government departments were re-formed and activated to advance the social development initiatives. As a result, 150 youth clubs were established to work as social change agents in preventing child marriage, re-enrolling dropouts, assisting in child registration, stopping child labour, violence, exploitation and abuse, and developing youth health and safe sanitation in schools. The club members and child protection committees prevented 102 child marriages in 2019. 28 youth received skill development trainings on sewing, batik, computer and poultry rearing. 62 dropped out children were re-admitted to school; 750 children completed their birth registration; 6 libraries are being operated; 14 clubs undertook social forestry programs and 18 clubs formed cultural groups. In addition, youths, parents and social organizations facilitated free teaching for poor and vulnerable learners, distributed educational materials and renovated social infrastructures.