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Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Management

The farmers of disaster prone areas are now able to increase agricultural production with the adoption of climate resilient agricultural practices. About 25% of the targeted households are producing different types of flood tolerant vegetables and also rearing indigenous poultry by crib feeding system. Tower garden and sack gardening has been introduced in Sylhet district to adapt with flash food which is a consequence of climate change. The beneficiaries of the Suchana project are getting a good harvest, so the community people who are not direct beneficiaries of the Suchana project are also adapting this technology. The vegetable production has increased by 15% and cost of production has also reduced relatively due to adoption of organic or ecological agricultural practices. 

Total 882 famers practiced Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) in 337 acres of boro rice field which reduced 36% irrigation and increased 10% yield. More than 300 farmers followed conservation agriculture based sustainable intensification (CASI) technologies in 150 acres of land to grow wheat, maize, jute, mustard. As a result, labour, fuel and irrigation cost of farmers has reduced by 30%.