Bangladesh Counter Trafficking in Persons (BCTIP)
The project works to ensure legal representation of justice seekers including prisone
The BCTIP project aims to reduce trafficking through prevention, protection and increase access for trafficking survivors to government services. With the support of the project, District/Upazila/Union Combat Trafficking Committees are playing active role in line with the National Plan of Action 2018-2022, opportunity is placed to involve survivors and at risk persons of trafficking in social safety net program, 60 at risk persons and 35 survivors were involved in IGAs after receiving training from Department of Youth Development (DYD), 18 at risk person and 15 survivors received loan support from DYD. Trained Anirban Survivors Voice and Peer Leaders are identifying at risk persons of trafficking and early marriage and providing them necessary support. District Referral Service Directory System has been prepared with the support from District Administration to assist survivors of trafficking and child marriage. As a result of these interventions, community people became aware of preventing trafficking and safe migration and survivors are changing their living conditions through the profitable IGAs.