RDRS inclusively focus on the young generation, to have agency, rights, skills, tools, influence, and opportunities to pursue their life goals, live a decent life, support families, and contribute to the development of their communities and the country.
There is a four-pronged approach of 1) enabling youth and adolescents to have able to access high-quality information, safe services, livelihood opportunities and build the skills, tools, and inputs they need to lead healthy, productive, and engaged lives; 2) increasing their participation in decision-making as an individual and at household, community, and national levels; 3) nurture youth leadership through capacity building in soft and life skills and 4) integrating youth-focused elements so that they are well protected and better served by local and national systems including skills development and entrepreneurship opportunities.
Empower Youth for Resilience building (EYRB): Boosting Opportunities for Indigenous Youth
RDRS Bangladesh implements this project, in partnership with the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and funded by the U.S. Embassy in Bangladesh, aims to increase livelihood and employment opportunities for indigenous youth in Rangpur district, focusing on their rights, empowerment, and active citizenship. The project targets about 30% of the 2,400 households in Mithapukur Upazila, addressing socio-economic vulnerabilities in remote areas. Activities include leadership training for 400 youth group leaders and life skills and technical training for 557 group members. The project also develops entrepreneurs and facilitates job placements and financial support.
Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP)
Sub Project: Market System Development of Safe Poultry and Poultry Products
RDRS Bangladesh is implementing Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP) in Rangpur, Kurigram and Gaibandha districts. The project is being implemented with joint support of Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The backyard and commercial farming (Poultry, Duck) entrepreneurs, and local service providers are the direct programme participants of the project. The RMTP project is designed in line with SDG -1, 2 (No Poverty, Zero Hunger).
The goal of the project is to increase the income, food security, and nutrition of farmers and service providers across poultry value chains. The objective of the project is the sustainable growth of poultry value chains with comparative advantage, market demand, growth potential, and backward & forward linkages to small farmers and micro-entrepreneurs.
This project is working to increase income, ensure food security and improve family nutrition of marginal and small farmers and poultry related backward and forward market entrepreneurs. The sub-project is also working on value addition at various levels, expansion of financial services for enterprise development, and strengthening of the institutional framework for the development of safe eggs, meat and meat products of the value chain. Efforts will be made to scale up and expansion of enterprises through efficient production methods and strong market linkages of marginal and small farmers.
The outcomes of RMTP project are - the project participants will adopt improved production methods and establish sustainable market linkages; and the enterprises will have access to sustainable financial services.